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Julie Kelly
Stained Glass,
Green & Gold
Suet & Oriole
Bird Feeder
Blue & Gold
Suet & Oriole
Bird Feeder
These feeders can be used for both suet and grape jelly. In early spring fill the feeder with grape jelly and also some dried raisins or cranberries if you like. The Orioles love it. In the colder months use it for suet and it will not drip suet onto the birds and make it hard for them to fly like many suet feeders. The glass container is removable for washing. Dimensions: 7 in. high x 6 in. wide x 3 in. deep.
My Homemade Suet Receipe: Homemade suet is very easy and economical to make. Save and freeze fat from both cooked and uncooked meat - but not bacon fat because it has preservatives that aren't bird healthy. When you are ready to make the suet, defrost the fat in the refrigerator and then melt it on the stove top or in the microwave. Then you can add dry ingredients like oatmeal, cornmeal, and ground up dried corn. Some people also add a little peanut butter and dried fruit. The ratio of fat to dry ingredients should be one part fat to two parts dry ingredients. I freeze mine in pie pans or casserole dishes and then cut it into cubes which I store in the freezer.
The birds love the concentrated energy in suet, especially in the winter months. In Minnesota I start feeding suet in late summer when the high temperatures drop into the 70s, then all through winter and into spring.
My Grape Jelly Receipe: Go to store. Buy grape jelly.
Feeders Available:
Green & Gold
Blue & Gold